Friday, August 13, 2010

I really love this weather right now. It is not too hot and you can just enjoy the weather. I am eating lots of the produce I have been growing in my garden. There is nothing like fresh tomatoes. Nature is great and right now it seems to be the only place to find peace in the very unsettled world. Hope all of you find a small bit of peace this weekend. Eat Happy

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I am the happiest girl right now. I have finally lost two pounds. I know that sounds totally lame, i however am happy. I also measured my waist and it is smaller. I have worked my thick self almost to death some days and I have witnesses. I was getting pretty discouraged. I am so happy that I think I will go exercise again.

It has been a bit hard some days to not eat junk food. My coworkers are have ice cream sundaes as we speack. That is really hard for me to pass up.

So team, lets keep going. We are the champions because we got up off the couch and exercises. We all have experienced aches and pains, sore muscles and many other things. We are doing something that makes each of us better. Go TEam
I am the happiest girl on this earth, maybe. i actually lost 2lbs. i know that does not sound like much, however I have worked my thick self almost to death and I do have witnesses. I have pasted up so many desserts. Even now as we speak some of my fabulous coworkers are eating ice cream sundaes with toppings. I love ice cream.

I measured my waist and it is smaller. I really have worked hard and finally after how many days I see results. I want to go out and exercise right now. To some this seems like a small thing. To me this is huge. I have worked so hard. It is great. Wow for me and wow for all of us. We are all working so hard to reach a goal. The real goal is that we started at all. We put ourselves out there and each work hard.