Saturday, July 24, 2010

Okay, I just read through everyones posts. I am totally depressed now. It seems all are losing. I am totally depressed.
I dropped a sewing machine on my knew while I was Washington. OUch. it really hurt and swelled up and I thought I might have to die for a few minutes. Nope, I iced it and all that fun stuff and I will live. I am able to do everything but the bike. Bending my knee that much hurts. It will get better and I will me just fine.
I am not losing anything and my body feels like it has retained a gallon of water. I know I sweat off that much every time I exercise and then drink more. I am seeing some progress but the scale says no you're not. It like laughs at me. It make me want to hit the machine. So I will stick with it , but seriously this is so annoying. Well keep going.