Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I am excercising a ton and it is making me feel better. My saggy baggy granny arms are not so saggy anymore. I remember when I was a child I loved playing with my grandma's extra skin on her arms. Now I can't believe she let me. I will not let my little critters play with mine.
I miss the running in Washington. The place I ran was so beautiful and shaded and GREEN. The wellness center is really nice, but no green. The fan breeze just isn't the same. I am not good at exercising in the morning. I am an afternoon kind of girl, thus it is to hot right now for such things. If it would rain I could go running. I love running in the ran and snow storms. You all laugh, but it is a true story.
I have a friend who wants me to go hiking in the wee hours of the morning. 430am. Box Elder Peak. I have never done that particular hike. It should be brutal.. I think I will have to count that for the whole week excercising. I will let ya all know how it goes. If life flight carries a stranded hiker in, it will be me. Keep excercising crew. We are awesome. We are doing. We are the 100 day heart, oh my heck I think I might die crew.


  1. Early morning hikes are great. You'll be happy that you took off so early when it comes. Good luck.

  2. Your whole post made me laugh. I love the arm comments. I am trying to get rid of all my flabby areas, arms included. Yes, those fans in the gym are a far cry from an outside breeze.

    Good luck on the hike, have fun and take pictures!!

  3. I pretend my arms don't flab, denial is great :) Good luck on your hike, flying in a helicopter might be fun and some of those life flight guys are good looking hahaha. You might enjoy it.
